Monday, March 31, 2008

Prayer for Edina

Please continue to pray for the health of Edina Malobo as she has 6th Form exams in September.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Please pray for Baraka

Baraka (Pastor Cleo Malobo's son) called us today from schoot at Kenya and said unknown people burnt some of their school buildings today (at night), police men are there for guidence. Pray GOD protection upon them.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Upcoming Events...

Next events we have between March 21 to April is:

  1. Church departments meetings reports on March 24 to 29
  2. Evangelism committee meeting at Busimbe on March 30
  3. Baptism on April 12
  4. Youth and church leaders seminar at Bukoba on 14 to 19 April
  5. Evangelism committee meeting at Bukoba church on 27 April

Passover and Easter Services

We had a good Easter with pastor Joseph Moindi from Kenya, he’s a good preacher.

516 peoples attended to Passover service while 725 came to watch cinema at night Thursday to Sunday.

13 people accepted Jesus, 27 turned to Jesus and 52 came for prayers to get healing and for other problems.
Praise the Lord with us as we remember what He did for us on the cross of Calvary, and what He continues to do today!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Evangelist Lucas posted at Muleba Church

News also from February...

Praise the LORD with us, we got a evangelist at Muleba church. They have five children, remember to pray for them as they begin to serve the Lord in Muleba.

Evangelist Lucus with his wife and four of their five children.

Open meetings at Ngara in February

Last month there were open meetings held in Ngara.

Please continue to pray for those who have put their faith in Jesus throught the work done at these meetings.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Prayer requests

Please pray for Edina as she is currently in the Hospital at Kampala.

Also pray for the visiting preacher to have a safe journey from Kenya.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Edina Malobo as she has become sick while at school in Kampala.

Thank the Lord that Rev. Malobo had a safe journey to and from Mwanza for the church leaders meeting.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Activites for March 2008

Hello everyone,

So far we have confirmed that there will be an Easter Service held 21st - 23rd March to be held at the Bukoba Church.

Rev. Cleo has reciently returned from a trip to Mwanza for a AIC leaders meeting, please check back soon for more updates!

Mungu akubariki sana!

Overview of Activities for 2008

Activities for 2008

21st - 23rd March: Easter Service, to be held at the Bukoba Church.

21st - 27th April: Youth Seminar, to be held at Bukoba with Busimbe and Muleba churches.

26th – 31st May: Church Seminar, to be held at Bukoba.

June – September: Church Construction, for Bukoba and Busimbe Churches.

16th – 21st June: Children’s Camps, (location – to be advised).

21st – 26th July: Open Meeting, to be held at Muleba.

4th – 9th August: Church Leaders Seminar, (Location to be confirmed – Bukoba?)

25th – 30th August: Open Meeting, to be held at the Bukoba Church.

15th – 20th September: Women’s Seminar, (location to be advised.)

17th – 22nd September: Crusade in Kyakailabwa (four kilometers from Bukoba town) with the end goal of planting a church.

20th – 25th September: Open Meeting, and house by house evangelism at Busimbe village.

8th – 13th December: Evangelism Week.

15th – 19th December: Evaluation Week.

Ongoing Weekly Activities:

We have cinema show every weekend and open meeting place, hoping to have 160 shows from February.

We also plan to have two local churches planted before the end of December 2008.


Hello and welcome to the official blog site for the Africa Inland Church in Bukoba, Tanzania.

If you would like to visit the official website of the Africa Inland Church in Bukoba please use the following URL:

The purpose of this blog is to provide regular up to date information concerning the activities of the Africa Inland Church in Bukoba.

It is our hope and prayer that this blog will be a tool that will be used by God to bring further glory to himself and expansion to His kingdom.

We pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!